Tag Archive | makeup for acne prone skin

Review – Mattify Ultra – Amazing Powder for Oily Skin!

how to stop oily skin review mattify cosmetics ultra face powder

Stop Oily Skin with Mattify Cosmetic’s Ultra Powder

As a girl with oily skin, the ongoing search for makeup that will control the oil was starting to seem like a never ending task. It was consuming my days – searching endlessly for something that might control the oil. Hell, I have such oily skin, I even started a blog about it! My search ended about a year ago when I discovered this wonder-product that I can’t imagine living without.

mattify cosmetics ultra powder for oily skin makeup primer products

Ultra Powder for
Oily Skin.
Photo Credit: Mattify Cosmetics


What is my # 1 beauty product?

Mattify Ultra Powder for oily skin! You have probably heard me mention this product in several of my other posts. The reason is, I never EVER apply my makeup without also using the Mattify Ultra Powder. If I forget to use the powder, my face is an oily mess within minutes.



How did I discover Mattify Ultra?

While reading random beauty blogs, I stumbled upon a stellar review about this amazing face powder, and decided to add it to my list of products to try. Yes, I seriously did have a LIST! Since this was one of the least expensive items on said list, I decided to try it first. Including shipping, paid $14 for it online at www.mattifycosmetics.com .

How to apply Mattify Ultra Powder?

When I first bought it, I didn’t realize that you could use it both under AND over your makeup. So, for the first few days I used it as a setting powder over my liquid foundation. In the morning, I used a big powder brush to put it on. It looks white in the container, but when you put it on, it just blots into your skin and becomes completely invisible. For touch-ups during the day, I used a powder puff.  I was totally amazed at how poreless my face looked! Not only did my face not get greasy for 3 whole hours, but it looked like an air-brushed photo.

fluffy powder brush with white powder mattify ultra powder for oily skin products

Apply Mattify Powder

Now 3 hours may not seem like much to the average person with normal skin. But for me, it was nothing short of a miracle. Before I started using the Mattify Powder, all other products I had tried kept me oil free for maybe 1 hour max.

After returning to the Mattify website to look more closely at their other products, I discovered you can use the Mattify Powder underneath makeup as a primer. Really?? That was such exciting news. I have searched the world over for a primer that doesn’t feel greasy and doesn’t contain silicone – which gives me huge breakouts. I was about to give up on primer all together when I found this powder.


products for oily and acne prone skin mattify cosmetics ultra powder

Mattify Ultra Powder
reduces acne

I started using the Mattify Ultra underneath my makeup, and again over the top of my foundation. It extended the oil-free situation to about 3.5 hours, but what’s more exciting is that it stopped me from breaking out. My pores get clogged so easily, and I was used to 6-7 breakouts every week. Beauty advisers and dermatologists have suggested using only mineral powder makeup, since liquid makeup is often a culprit for causing breakouts. But, mineral makeup does not provide nearly enough coverage for my face, so I am stuck with using a full coverage foundation. Much to my surprise, after a few weeks of using the Mattify Ultra under my foundation, I was only getting about 3 breakouts per week! Seriously. Amazing.

oil rig spitting oil cosmetics and products for oily skin

My skin produces more grease than an oil rig



The Mattify Cosmetics line has since become one of my favorite brands. When you have oily skin, you know that your beauty products must be either waterproof or designed to absorb a truck-load of oil. While I don’t think any of the Mattify stuff is waterproof, it does last all day and stops my face from having that nasty coating of oil.




Other Products from Mattify Cosmetics 

As long as I use waterproof mascara, foundation, liner, and brow filler, the rest of my face is good to go with the oil absorbent Mattify products. I also use their blush and eye shadows. Will swatch some of those and do a review soon! I have collected almost all of their eye shadows, because they only cost $5 each. The colors are crazy gorgeous and don’t get all creased like most other eye shadows do after a few hours on me. Here is a pic of some of their shadows, from a review on the She Scribes website:

mattify cosmetics long lasting eye shadows crease free gold purple teal eye makeup

Mattify Cosmetics Long Lasting Eye Shadows on She Scribes Blog

Basically, if you have oily skin, this is a brand you must try! And if you have a tough time getting your foundation to look fresh and oil free all day, trust me… the Mattify Ultra Powder will be your savior!  I haven’t seen the Mattify brand in drugstores, but am not sure if some salons might have it. I just buy mine online at their website www.mattifycosmetics.com and it usually arrives about 5 days after I order, so shipping is pretty fast.